SEASICK! - pics coming soon
We sailed right into rough rough waters and I am soooooooooo seasick!!! I have thrown up twice =( it has taken me 3 days to unpack because I can't stand up longer than 5 minutes :( Rehearsal has been rough – I've been sitting or laying down on the chairs whenever I can. Once I started taking the seasick pills – life is so much better! Lol Our little ship feels every wave and having a forward cabin doesn't help things. I've heard that it's going to get worse before it gets better.....blah :p
Once I felt a bit better I unpacked all my stuff (Paul had already unpacked his – he didn't get seasick) and we rearranged our room so that Paul has one “room” and I have the other. It looks good! And I like it. Though we did seem to get the broken down room: 2 of our wall art are missing, the magnet that holds the door open to our closet and front door don't work, one panel that hides our tv is gone, our bath drain needs to be plunged, and our tv just stopped working. But we are in a big room! That's what I keep telling myself....LOL