Bikes - everyone's got one

....and I do too! My bike is a rusted ole thing, but works just fine. I even have a basket front and back (for when I do my power grocery shopping). It's so nice to ride a bike, I had forgotten how fun it was! Everyone here in Japan owns and rides one as well: grandmas, businessmen, mothers, kids, you name it - they've got one. But like cars, they don't know how to drive them I follow the rules of the road when riding a bike - drive like a car (which means on the left side of the road here), but do they? NO! It's so frustrating!! People just ride wherever they feel like it. I have had a couple close calls because people are coming straight at me, and not following the "rules" (and that is so un japanese).

AND the things people do while riding a bike! I almost ran into a girl because she was reading a book while riding! People smoke while riding, text message, mess around with their IPods...

The funniest thing I saw was a businessman riding a bike with a woman in a dress and heels standing on the back tire screws! Crazy!

Well, I have to say my defensive riding is getting real good =) Can't they just make people with signals and brake lights?


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